Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Word Games

This morning Sullivan discovered that something runs across the TV screen.
I like to watch the news in the morning and they have a rolling text at the botom of the screen. Sully was most amused.
Hang on, where do those things go...
Can I catch them?
Maybe they go around here?
Still looking

Friday, June 13, 2008

Headin' home

Just like the colours in this photo, heading back to Kaiteriteri at dusk.

Fisherman Jack

Jack insisted that I blog photos of his catch last weekend.

As usual Jack caught the most fish, 2 sharks and a perch. Dad caught a baby Tarakihi and mum a beautiful blue cod. Unfortunately mum was unaware that she had a fish on the line (cod don't fight like schnapper), so by the time she pulled in her line some nice shark or baracuda had bitten off its tail. Oh well didn't need that part anyway!!

Sabastian is trying really hard to help take the fish off the hook, but still finds it a bit too much. Who can blame him, especially when it comes to sharks!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Night night Sully

Sully settled in on Molly's bed (top bunk) last night, much to the delight of Miss Molly
Quote of the week: Sully was doing his daily grooming the other day, and dad being in his typical humour the kids mood said "Look, it's Sully lick your bum", to which Molly immediately replied "No dad he's licking his own!"

Tooth Fairy

I am so glad Sabastian is old enough to pull his own teeth out. He came out of the bathroom with toilet paper jammed in his mouth and said, "mum you don't want look at the blood in the bathroom sink". So Sabastian got a lesson in how to clean the sink! Aunty M I do have a good photo of the inside of the mouth but I thought I would spare you that one :)

Fun and games

Molly and Jack have a new game they play, and each day throughout the day they ask each other "am I your best friend"? Jack always wants to be Molly's best friend, and in true female, Molly form, she likes to manipulate Jack and tease him, so it depends on what mood she is in how she answers. If she is feeling nice she says yes. If she is grumpy whe will tell Jack that either Sam, mum or dad is her best friend, hence Jack disolves into tears.

Today Miss Molly was nice, and had a great game with Sam.

Take note

Miss Molly loves to draw. Check out the concentration!
Miss Molly has also discovered i tunes, and loves to sit and watch the music videos on the computer, singing away. IN the top photo she is sitting right next to the computer, drawing and singing, hence the position of the lips.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Yes I do exist

This is for those of you who complain that I never feature on the blog.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thanks Didi

Today Molly received a lovely surprise.

A new Jersey knitted by Didi.

Molly was so proud she stripped down immediately,

and got dressed in her new "cardidin", complete with "look dad it's got buttons".

Thanks Didi!!!

Bits and Bobs

Finally some action

Sabastian has been very cautious with his bike riding, but you could not take the smile off his face when we finally let him into some tougher territory to try out his bike skills.

Pit Stop

Need I say more!!

Thanks Sam for choosing a sport with no restrooms!