Monday, September 29, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

We went out in John's boat on Sunday to try out his new fishing rod. John had a birthday last week, and requested a fishing rod. He had never fished with anything but a handline before, until we took him fishing with our little rods. He got hooked (no pun). Well after last week and catching 8 cod, 300 scallops, and more, we were all motivated. Last week we had to go around to Takaka, a 3 hour boat trip, so this time we tried to keep it local.
Armed with NEW rod, and GPS we were all excited. Well we got a tip for a scallop bed and headed there.
We managed this:
One hat overboard, rescued, broke the oar on the dinghy doing so (see photo)
One fishing net (Jack's) overboard, rescued
One fishing rod (not the new one) snapped
One child (not ours) vomited
Found a good scallop bed and on the way home snagged the scallop dredge on a reef. Now at the bottom of the bay.

All home safe and still with a smile on our faces.


Four beautiful children.

I know I am snap happy. I am not going to organise these photos into days and events. Let's just say we have had some fun for the first couple of days of the school holidays. I just love some of these photos. I have had to really choose, as I have many more great photos, but can only post so many.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Marc

For Marc's birthday I bought him a portable GPS. Meredith, CLyde, Sofia, Robin and Denny all bought him the South Island marine chart which he needs for the boat. I thought I could have some fun with Marc, so gave him the chart before the GPS because nowhere on the package did I think it said what it was, it just looked like an SD card. Well......

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sully has a new TV

OK so whose bright idea was it to put little fish in a container, right beside my bed. Is this entertainment or torture?
In defence the mother has to say one cat does not look too stressed!!

And the winner is.....

Well done Jack! First place. Prize; A family pass to the WOW (World of Wearable Arts) museum.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another successful day

Another successful day on Saturday. We got 300 scallops, 7 blue cod, 1 red cod, 2 dogfish, and three wonky gonk's. We left at 8am and returned at 10pm. I think it night take the kids a week to recover. Just as well it is school holidays on Friday.

The actual Talent Quest

Saturday, September 20, 2008

There was an old lady

This week Jack auditioned for the school talent quest. He chose to sing "The little old lady who swallowed a fly". Well he has sung the song so many times now I can't get it out of my head.
Jack made it into the finals, which were held yesterday. Apparently he was the talk of the staffroom, and he did so well. I had planned to video some of his performance, but the battery was flat on the camera with the movie function. I did however get his practice the night before.
The photos posted however were of him at the finals.
We don't know who the winner is yet, but lets just say his mum thinks he is.
Well done Jack!!! I am very proud.