Thursday, January 29, 2009


One of my fondest memories as a child was jumping and swimming off the boat. Here are some photos of my kids doing just that. Sabastian taking it up another level and jumping from the ladder. He is up to five rungs, but there was some hesitation at that. It probably doesn't help that from that height and with the clear water you can see all the stingrays.

A night out on the boat

Last week we ventured out on the boat for a sleepover. We have equipped the boat with the two bean bags from the church for comfortable outside seating. We have also started taking Basil and Holly with us. Holly is a well seasoned boatee and as you can see has hijacked a bean bag very quickly. Basil being a breed that was for guarding Dutch barge's did a bit of an initial freak out, but soon settled.
Probably didn't help that a few weeks ago he fell off the jetty where the boat was in Motueka.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little Chef

Jack has decided to become a chef when he grows up.
He is such a great helper, and will do anything in the kitchen to help.
Even crumb Schnitzel.
Now! The argument in our house is who has to do this horrible job.
Up until now it has been me or SAM.
Well to Sam's relief he has a competitor.
Jack not only loves this job, but he is great at it. The meat is evenly crumbed, and in good time, and might I say with little mess.
Just to look at the photos. If you know Jack you have to appreciate the delicateness of the hands while patting the crumbs on the meat. It is of course an art!
Maybe he is our Little Chef.
Thanks Jack!!

Do You Love Me?

A very tired and grumpy Molly.
Mummy was trying to manage a difficult bedtime.

Mummy: Do you know how much I love you?
Molly: NO
Mummy: I love you more than anything. Do you know how much I love you?
Molly: NO
You are my favourite girl in the whole wild world. Do you know how much I love you?
Molly: NO
I love you more than anything!!
Molly: More than the boys????

Well, what can I say?